What is the DeepDyve plugin? What does it do?
While DeepDyve's Digital Library service has a searchable database of 150 million references, some researchers may prefer to use the tools they are used to for searching. For this, DeepDyve offers an extension that works with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge that automatically shows what's available for reading in DeepDyve directly from any webpage where it finds a DOI (digital object identifier).
Installing the DeepDyve Plugin
Chrome | Visit the Chrome extension page and click "Add to Chrome". Click on the "Extensions" icon in the top corner and then on the DeepDyve plugin. Log into your account. |
Firefox | Visit the Firefox extension page and click "Add to Firefox". Click on the "Extensions" icon in the top corner and then on the DeepDyve plugin. Log into your account. |
Edge | The latest version of the plugin isn't available in the Edge store, but you can install it via the Chrome store. Visit the Chrome extension page and click "Get". Click on the "Extensions" icon in the top corner and then on the DeepDyve plugin. Log into your account. |
If you have already installed the plugin, you will need to upgrade it to use the features shown in this article. Information on how to do that is here.
Giving the plugin permission to work across all sites
The latest version of the plugin works across all sites where it finds a DOI (digital object identifier). After you've logged into DeepDyve you may need to give the plugin permission to work this way. Go to where you manage extensions and click on the DeepDyve plugin (if the icon doesn't show up in your bar). Toggle the switch to grant permission:
Using the plugin
Once you have the extension installed and permissions granted, any webpage where an article with a DOI (digital object identifier) should bring up a pane on the left of the browser with information about the status of those articles in DeepDyve.
These are the statuses you might see:
This article is paywalled at the publisher site, but with your DeepDyve subscription it is available for instant full-text reading. | |
This article is open access. The full text of the article is available for reading and markup in DeepDyve. | |
This article is open access and available for download from the publisher site, but because of unclear permissions we haven't placed the full text in DeepDyve. | |
This article is not part of our LitStream or Open Access collections, and it must be purchased to be read. If you have an enterprise account, you may purchase this through DeepDyve. | |
This article is part of your company's Research Archive and you can go to DeepDyve to read the full text or download the article. (Available for enterprise accounts only.) |
Click any of the banners to go to the article in DeepDyve.
Using the plugin with PubMed or Google Scholar
Search results on PubMed and Google Scholar will show up with a DeepDyve badge under each result, as happened with the previous version of the plugin:
Adding articles to a folder from the plugin
You can add articles to one of your DeepDyve folders directly from the plugin. Simply click "Add to folder" and either scroll or search to find the folder you want to put it in.
Dismissing the DeepDyve pane
If you would like to remove or hide the DeepDyve pane, click the "X" on the top right of the pane:
With the pane dismissed, you'll see a small banner in the lower left of the screen telling you that articles have been found:
Clicking on the banner will open the pane. Clicking on the "X" next to it will dismiss the banner.