Setting up DeepDyve on Microsoft Azure SSO (Open ID Connect)

If your organization uses Microsoft Azure Open ID Connect to manage single sign-on (SSO), here are steps to get it set up with DeepDyve.

Option 1: Add DeepDyve via the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

There is a DeepDyve app published in the official Microsoft Azure Marketplace here. If you are used to adding apps that way, that would be a great place to start.

Option 2: Do a test login at our site

Alternatively, you can do the test login via: After you’ve done that, let us know. We can make sure that the login flow works and that the user account is created properly in our system.

Setting up just-in-time provisioning

If you'd like just-in-time provisioning, provide us with your company's tenant ID. If you did the test login, we can pull it from there; your DeepDyve account manager will confirm it with you.

Switching to SSO

Some users may have had individual passwords in DeepDyve; when we turn on SSO, those will be disabled and SSO will be their only login method. You and your DeepDyve account manager will agree on a date for this to happen. This article describes how to switch these accounts to Microsoft Azure.

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