Setting up DeepDyve for Okta SSO

If your organization uses Okta for Single Sign On (SSO), here is how you can set up DeepDyve in your system. It takes roughly 5 minutes to complete. If you aren't comfortable following the set up on your own, ask your DeepDyve account manager to book a time where you can screenshare with us, and we can guide you through it.

  1. Access the Okta portal
  2. From the admin UI, click Applications -> Applications -> Create a new app integration
  3. Choose "SAML 2.0"
    1. App name = DeepDyve
    2. App logo = (download from our media kit)
  4. Click "Next" and fill in the resulting form as follows:
    1. Single sign on URL = (Your DeepDyve account manager will provide you with the code you will use)
    2. Audience URI =
    3. Default RelayState = /
  5. In the Attribute Statements section, enter the following 5 name value pairs:
    1. firstName user.firstName
    2. lastName user.lastName
    3. email
    4. login user.login
    5. userId
  6. Click "Next", and "Finish the setup"
  7. Go to "Assignments" to enable which users/groups can login to DeepDyve
  8. Go to "Sign On", click "View Setup" Instructions, and email your DeepDyve contact these three things so we can configure your account on our side:
    1. Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
    2. Identity Provider Issuer
    3. X.509 Certificate—this is best downloaded as a file and sent to your DeepDyve contact as an email attachment

We will email you when all these steps are completed, and you'll be ready to start using DeepDyve.

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