Sharing article links on Microsoft Teams

Setting up Microsoft Teams for link sharing

Before you can share articles via MS Teams, you'll need to verify that these two things are in place:

  1. Each user should have a paid/valid Office 365 license
  2. Special permissions need to be turned on from your Azure Portal. Follow the steps in the section labeled "Grant tenant-wide admin consent in Enterprise apps" of this page.
    1. Go to and login as an admin user
    2. Click Azure Active Directory
    3. Click Enterprise Applications on the left sidebar
    4. Choose DeepDyve Inc from the list of Enterprise Applications
    5. Click Permissions on the left sidebar
    6. Check if Team.ReadBasic.All is in the Permission list

Once you have completed these steps, your team is ready to share.

Sharing links on Microsoft Teams

Once you are set up to share on Teams, you can click the link on any article page and follow the steps to share.

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